Timing Cover kit with Oil Pan, water pump, aluminum pulleys and all hardware kit
If you have interest in one of these kits, please Contact Us for details an pricing.
In Every Kit:
oil pan
drain plug
drain plug seal
oil pan to engine block fasteners
oil pan seal: cork for V shaped front pans, steel impregnated rubber for later pans
timing chain cover - either ClockWise, or AntiiClockWise
short nose waterpump - ClockWise or AntiClockWise based on cover
timing chain and water pump fastener kit
Aluminium pulley kit with instructions in CW and ACW
Optional Air Conditioning set-up, or none
Fasteners for all pulleys and brackets
Choose the options below tat are right for your build.
• Some of these items are offered on our website in smaller kits.
• A basic pulley kit is offered for the 1993-1995 Camaro/Firebird engine without A/C.
• For an engine/car build that is making an attempt to look somewhat era correct with a carbureted conversion and no air conditioning, out Clockwise system is Highly Recommended.